Kriya means ‘activity or movement’ and refers to the activity of consciousness. Kriya is the practice that leads to total union, the final result. Kriya Yoga may not arrest mental fluctuations completely but creates awakening in consciousness through activities. In this way all faculties are harmonised and flower into their fullest potential.
Kriya Yoga originated in antiquity and evolved over the time through practise and experience. Kriya Yoga consists of more than 70 kriyas, of which only 20 or odd are generally known to the public. The reference to the text where Kriya yoga has evolved, are mainly tantric texts written in sanskrit, and in which very few only translated to other languages.
The secret teachings of Tantra Shastras and some Yoga texts were the core base of Kriya Yoga, which was later propagated by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. The only two available recognized systems of Kriya Yoga world over are taught by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Paramahamsa Yogananda.